The one about... (2020)
Mick Tems Folk Wales: "Maimu has an incredible talent for inviting audiences in and making them feel quite home as she weaves her peaceful yet powerful magic. She writes and performs entirely alone, letting her accordion speak for itself. // Her compositions are pebble-dashed with luscious, fleeting dissonant chords which catch the delighted listener unaware.// She captures her own refreshing, exhilarating style which is very reminiscent of her rural upbringing; it’s flowing with expression and passion, gutsy but graceful, soothing and rampantly pretty. It’s Maimu…"
Jonas Linge Lira Musikmagasin: "Jõgedas egna kompositioner består av fina uttrycksfulla melodier, ibland nästan sekventiella och upprepande, men som ger lyssnaren små rika upplevelser."
Dani Heyvaert Rootstime: "Eén instrument slechts en toch opent de artieste een heel eigen wereld en vertelt ze een verhaal waar je als luisteraar in meegezogen wordt, of je dat nu wil of niet. Dit is niet meteen de ultra-vingervlugge accordeonmuziek, die je wel eens vaker te horen krijgt. Nee, dit is eerder ingetogen folky versie met klassieke invloeden en heel af en toe een jazz-accentje: dit is mijmermuziek op bijzonder hoog niveau."
Allan Wilkinson Northern Sky Magazine: "The piano accordion can be an expressive instrument in its own right when in the correct hands and can span a broad canvas in terms of musical arrangement, away from its familiar use as an accompanying instrument. Maimu Jõgeda is such a musician, whose inventiveness and flair for the instrument’s possibilities is explored in these dozen pieces. /.../ If music is made to take the listener somewhere else, somewhere enchanting and ethereal, then the forests of Southern Estonia are as good a place to start as any."
Nils Thorlund Rootszone: "Jõgedas blandede musikalske baggrund præger både hendes spil og kompositioner. Hun sammensætter relativt komplicerede melodilinjer uden folkemusikkens umiddelbare lethed, og hun udfører stykkerne stramt og disciplineret. Anvendelsen af ostinatlignende passager præger kompositionerne mere end umiddelbart iørefaldende melodier."
Pühendus (2017)
fRoots: “Estonian piano-accordeonist plays her own compositions with a reflective feel. While she studies folk music at the Estonian Academy, they don’t show particularly Baltic roots, and are more part of a wider European folk-influenced music world.”
Maria-Kaisa Jurva Lira magazine: “Melodierna präglas starkt av folkmusik blandade med lite jazz och en droppe klassiskt. Jõgedas egna kompositioner är rakt igenom instrumentala. Hon spelar solo sitt enda instrument – fingerfärdigt, lätt och ledigt vilket sätter fantasin, minnen och tankarna i rullning. Lyssnaren rycks med, musiken drabbar direkt.
Allan Wilkinson Northern Sky Magazine: “There are few better ways to spend thirty-three minutes than in the company of Maimu Jõgeda's captivating accordion. On PÜHENDUS, the young musician invites us to explore the landscapes of her native Estonia via twelve original instrumentals, all played with palpable emotion and dexterity on a single instrument, with nods towards Estonian folklore.”
Mick Tems Folk Wales: “Maimu’s compositions instil a haunting, otherworldly effect, and her solitary lazily-drifting instrument fascinates and mesmerises. This is a peaceful, heart-warming album; file under Essential Music For The Long Road, and a listen to her soothing sounds should make the miles and the hours fly by.”
Kristel Laas ajakiri Muusika: the most important music magazine in Estonia: "Maimu muusikast kostub põhjamaist kargust, positiivset melanhoolsust, helgust ja õhulisust, mis on kokku seotud jazziliku harmoonia, pärimuslike motiivide või popmuusikale omaste elementidega."
Andres Laiapea kirjutab plaadist “Pühendus”: "Kui mõnikord võib õigustatult tõdeda, et kena pakend varjab sisu puudumist, siis antud juhul seda väita ei saa. „Pühenduse” puhul on need omavahel kenasti kooskõlas. Kõige paremini sobibki seda albumit iseloomustama sõna „harmoonia”."
A mention of my duo with Kaari, Jazzkaar 2017 (by Martin Longley):
18.10.2023 A 40 min live show, moderated by Pedro Aibéo, chairman of the World Music School at the Helsinki Open Waves in Caisa
Estonian radioshow, where I am introducing my 2nd album "The One About..."
An article about my performance at Linnujämm: